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​Loans to Help ​Fund Your Business


Small Business Loans York County, PA

Helping Small Businesses Gain Access TO CAPITAL

Access to Capital is a vital component for a business’s life span. To help startup and existing small businesses in York County accelerate and maintain their growth, the BLOOM Business Empowerment Center offers a variety of small business loans and financing options that can eliminate barriers to capital.

Through our educational programming services and one on one meetings, BLOOM can offer interested applicants with financial training and a step by step approach to seeking capital for their business.

Read about some of our small business loan programs below, a suggested checklist of items to prepare and gather, and reach out to our team to set up your one on one meeting.

BLOOM Small Business Loans

BLOOM small business loans aim to be a source of capital for start-up or currently operating businesses in York County who may not have access to traditional sources of capital. Ranges of loan size vary from $2,500 to $50,000. Rates and terms may vary but additional incentives are available for applicants who graduate from our BLOOM Classes and achieve perfect attendance. More information on classes here.

These small business loans can cover aspects of a startup or existing business including but not limited to:

  • Working Capital
  • Inventory/Supplies
  • Equipment Needs
  • Payroll
  • Construction and Renovations

Please note, the inquiry form is not an application, this meeting helps our financing team have a better understanding of your business and capital needs. In addition, the applicant cycle to apply, submit paperwork for review, go through the underwriting process and be reviewed by the loan committee process can take several weeks to ensure that all information is accurate.

PA SSBCI Loan Program

Pennsylvania’s State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) was established under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) in response to the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic as a means to help small businesses gain access to capital.

The SSBCI program is administered at the federal level by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, however, at the local level, PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) has contracted with economic development partners from across the state to implement and administer the $246.8 million in funding via a variety of loan and equity programs.

The York County Economic Alliance (YCEA) has been selected to receive $5.5 million in funding over several years to establish a revolving loan fund for small businesses in York County. The revolving loan funds must be matched by private funding.

Please note, the inquiry form is not an application, this meeting helps our financing team have a better understanding of your business and capital needs. In addition, the applicant cycle to apply, submit paperwork for review, go through the underwriting process and be reviewed by the loan committee process can take several weeks to ensure that all information is accurate.

Additional Funding OPPORTUNITIES

Additional financing opportunities are available through the York County Economic Alliance. Learn more about those programs here.

Preparing to APPLY FOR A LOAN

Here are the items to start preparing for a loan application. You may not have all of these but don’t worry! Once you submit a funding inquiry and our team meets with you, we’ll help you understand what these items are, gather the information, and connect with additional resources as needed.


Current (no older than three months) and previous three years’ business financial statements and/or federal tax of the owner(s). 


Three years of federal tax returns of owners with 20% or more ownership in the business.


Two full-years of Financial Projections for the business.


Personal financial statements completed and signed for all owners with 20% or more ownership, as of the last six months.


Proof of registration of the business with the state.


Be prepared to explain how the loan will benefit your business growth.


Documentation of what expenses will be covered with loan amount requested.

Funding Recipient TESTIMONIAL


“The BLOOM Business Empowerment Center believed in me and granted me their very first business loan because they saw something in me that other lending institutions were missing. They were attentive to my story from beginning to end.”

Jen Heasley
Sweet Mama’s Mambo Sauce & Cooking with the Pros